Monday, July 4, 2011

My solo lockdown

Last night I preformed my very own lockdown with limited equipment. I was armed only with my digital voice recorder, my little camera, a flashlight, a pendulum and my own senses. I had a limited timed to perform the lockdown and had I more equipment I think I would have spent more time there. I was completely on my own. Kat is out of town, otherwise she would have been with me.
Unfortunately there were fireworks going off in the distance and my audio recorder did pick up some of it. However it is easy to tell when the fireworks go off and when the house creeks or when a spirit knocks. I preformed three other EVP sessions at the house I investigated but had no way of analyzing the evidence since the sound on my laptop is completely gone. Right now I am downloading the audio to my dad’s laptop so I that I may be able to analyze the evidence further.
I also set up two coins that were traced on paper with the date, time, and my initials upstairs right by the stairs in the playroom. They moved. I wrote it off as the house settling because they did not move much and when a house settles things do in fact move on their own…after I was finished with my investigation and went upstairs to turn the A/C back on, the coins had moved back into their original position. I was the only one in the house and I did not touch them.
The use of a pendulum can be good when you have limited equipment. The only trick is to keep your arm still and your breathing even. It is a lot harder than it sounds but I did get a couple of answers that I was looking for but did not want them to be true. I was hoping that whatever is in the house was attached to a piece of furniture and didn’t mean the family any harm. This was not so. I asked if it was attached to something in the house and the reply I got from the pendulum was no. Then I asked if it meant harm to the family. The reply was what I feared, yes.
Next time I go back Kat will be with me along to two others and we will try to confirm this. Until then I will be analyzing the video and audio hoping that I have indeed caught something.

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